About Me

My photo
Magnolia, AR, United States
I was born in Port Angeles, Washington. Later, when I was 8 years old, my father moved us to a place near Sweet Home, Oregon, where he built us a house from scratch, while working as a logging truck driver. My younger brother and I played constantly together until I was eight years old, and much of our present abilities were developed through our early relationship.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Improved Life!

There was an old gas heater on the wall underneath the corner cabinet in my bathroom.  I had a hunch that there would be space for a matching cabinet below, if we took the heater out and checked to see what was behind it.  Lo and behold, the area inside was already finished enough to make a cabinet on the bottom.  So Mr Huffman put new doors on it, repaired the walls around it, and added the folding door to the bathroom that I ordered specially for that spot.  So here is my revised bathroom, and the view of the folding doors from my bedroom.  I am so proud of it!

I was sick for several weeks with this horrible crud that everyone else has also endured.  Mine turned into pneumonia, just as happened with several other people that I know.  Meanwhile, Mr Huffman finished the cabinets in my bathroom which made me so happy!  And several of my clients have been a real joy to me because of the progress they have made.  Max didn't like it at all that I wasn't very lively when I was sick.  He does like plenty of excitement!


  1. First of all.... it's good to hear that you're feeling better and the good progress with your clients.

    The cabinet and new door look great! You're really blessed/lucky to have Mr. Huffman do these wonderful make overs for you.

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement. Can't get a better pat on the back than the kind you give!

  3. Your improvements look amazing! Can't wait to see them!
    Love, Laura
